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E-monitoring service is a platform which enable the customers to digitally track the progress of construction work from any part of the world through simple login. Our sites are surveillance secured through CCTV monitoring 24*7 and this allows the customers to get a direct view of the work progress, day to day activities, material management and other offerings. Another advantage of the surveillance is that it also eliminates theft and damage of the property.
One of the most important roles of E- monitoring is spotting the initial (very often difficult to monitor/observe) messages regarding potentially negative consequences for the success of a construction project. Therefore, the possibility to transform the collected data/information and the ability of full use of the results (with application of the programs supporting the project management processes) is very significant. Data resulting from the monitoring of tasks, processes and construction projects should be used in the subsequent procedures.

From the analysis of different monitoring methods applied, the user can draw the following conclusions:

The graphical method of presentation, on the one chart, the level of advancement and progress of the processes, which are “difficult to measure” (such as: the intensity of man-agement processes and time progress) is applicable after inserting the common units for the all meters of processes.

The controlling plays a leading role in the initiating and realization processes.

In the remaining phases, the controlling influences simultaneous to the planning and realsation processes as well as to the realisation and closure processes.
E Monitoring